Welcome to the Worldwide Technology Federation. A virtual destination that is built on proven science, launched by cutting edge creativity and fueled by passion for positive change.
Worldwide catastrophic occurrences like climate change, PFAS, plastic and pandemics are quantifiably real and are now our “new normal”, increasing in intensity and frequency. This has driven us to an undeniable state of shock, anger and confusion, which has directly ignited into a defining spirit or “Zeitgeist” of asking ourselves “WTF” more than ever before. Still, there are deniers, wasting time we no longer have, debating: “Did we cause these issues?” Or “Are these “Naturally occurring” processes?” That’s like aimlessly contemplating if a life threatening situation headed your way is entirely your fault or just your fate. You and I would of course take immediate action to maximize our chances of survival. For those who would do nothing to save themselves or their loved ones in any similar scenario, we think “WTF”, not in anger so much, rather in total disbelief that inaction could ever be a possibility. Unfortunately, there will be a few who will choose inaction so to only focus on being greatly offended by things that don’t matter. This could even include being annoyed by our three letter logo instead of the many truly offensive life ending problems conveniently and professionally presented here. If that’s your limitation, then simply go away to another website or anyplace other than here so the rest of us can focus on making a difference. We no longer have the time to waste on whining or indecisiveness when the actual solutions to these real world problems are presented here so you can proactively protect you and your family.
We know the WTF acronym logos are engaging and humorous to most, and yes, could even be vaguely off color to those “un-select” few, however, the sentiment is undeniably relatable to nearly all of us now. You know you have asked yourself “WTF” by either “feeling it” in your head or actually “saying it” out loud more than you might want to admit. We may not have heard you personally, but we have heard it collectively nonstop for years now in one form or another.
The emotions that drive us to feel or say “WTF” includes shock, disbelief, bewilderment, confusion, disgust, and even anger. All of these are generally open ended inquiries driven by a negative or unexpected event or circumstance we, at WTF, earnestly and playfully refer to as “WTF MOMENTS”. Your thought process right after the “cerebral smoke” has cleared from your “WTF MOMENT”, might be to ask yourself, “now what?” or “what SHOULD I do about it”? Or “what CAN I do about it”? Sadly, that thought usually ends there with only anxiety from you not having any real answers or tangible solutions. That is until now where we at WTF have the answers for at least some of those “WTF MOMENTS” you will eventually experience in life, except of course, UFO and BIGFOOT sightings, those are on other websites.
The WTF website tries to present these “WTF MOMENTS” with humor, analogies and references most of us grew up with to make learning truly life altering science a little more entertaining and even enjoyable. Some of these “WTF MOMENTS” have either already impacted your life, (whether you knew it or not) or, WILL impact your life eventually. That statement could sound a bit ominous if it just ended there, but thankfully, it doesn’t because…
The most important aspect about the entire WTF website is that it presents and offers you real, proven and easily understood information, answers and products to FIX these specific problems while also saving your money, time and health in the process. We might try to induce an occasional laugh or eye roll that hopefully keeps your interest just long enough to at least become aware of the problems and also the tools to prevent, stop or even reverse these problems. It’s been said that “knowing is half the battle” and “knowledge is power”, and our goal at WTF is to provide you both.
Not only that, but we make an otherwise overwhelming and time consuming process to find information, easy and readily available because it’s all located here on this one site.
We also give you two options how you can receive this information based on first determining what type of person you most identify with. For example, if you enjoy spending hours on YouTube to learn how to fix something that only takes five minutes to actually do and you liked extra credit projects in school, then we highly recommend that you press those “LEARN MORE” buttons, but only if you absolutely want to know everything. This button will send you to the “deep dive down the rabbit hole” of science to verify legitimacy, efficacy, accuracy, but at the same time, includes a little humor so your head doesn’t explode from endless science geek terminology or pass out from exhausting hypothetical theories. This content will also provide the science data sheets,(SDS), and technical data sheets, (TDS). Independent third party lab test, EPA and FDA compliances, “how to”, “before and after” videos and a call from your parents telling how proud they are of you, again.
However, if you think 30 second TikTok videos are too long and wish your thumbs could swipe even faster to the next one, then DO NOT EVER PRESS THE “LEARN MORE” BUTTON, but instead, simply go directly to the PRODUCT PAGES. There you will find only the easy “Cliff Notes” version of pricing, sizes and a brief descriptions of what each product does and why you should care. The website will also have the option to directly communicate with us through the “WTF MOMENT” blog.
So there it is, the heart, soul and intention of our website and company: Worldwide Technology Federation Inc., WTF-Info.com. Together we can positively make a difference.
our technology stack
agriculture | SAND2SOIL
Welcome to our world of tasting tomato’s, corn, strawberries, and blueberries again. Where organic is actually organic without all the harmful chemicals and heavy metals. Sand2Soil is made up of ocean, plant, and animal sources. Our lineup of formulas focusses on bringing back real flavors, yields, and appeal to our crops. We offer agricultural prescriptions for any growing need in your farm or garden. Sand2Soil specializes in supporting the ecosystem of our soils by building organic matter and revitalizing the native microbes that are dormant in our soils.
You are probably asking yourself, do we really need another fire extinguisher and fire prevention product, last time I checked, the fire departments seem to be doing just fine without it. Well, that’s what I use to think, that is until I actually spoke with real and active fire fighters. What I learned from them was a WTF moment for me and I am about to make it one for you.
water generation
water generation
“Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink” …. because it’s poisonous from PFAS.
Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge included that quote in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner he wrote in 1798, but I updated it a little for 2024 and beyond.
Power generation
Power generation
You could say this is where “it” all started for me and “it” refers to my own first “WTF” moment from an epic earth damaging event. The information you are about to read here was so unbelievably crazy to me, when I first learned of it, it literally created an alternate new “F word” for the “WTF” acronym.
Worldwide Technology Federation Inc. (WTF) is our umbrella company that houses multiple science disciplines in both technology and chemistry. WTF’s core foundational science is our Nano-Ceramic/Graphene chemistry. It is the common denominator life blood that runs thru the veins of nearly all of our other scientific disciplines
Worldwide Technology Federation is answering the call for help with MY GUARD to cast out dangerous and toxic microbes safely and efficiently banishing them from your home, cars and workspace for months and years from one application.
Having often to answer to “a higher authority” like the government and branches of the military, we see it as also mandatory and part of our normal procedure to supply you, the civilian market, with the same clearly defined, detailed parameters of proven effectiveness.
Like they say “there’s nothing more important than your health” and they also say “we usually don’t appreciate our health until it’s gone”. I guess it is just human nature, laziness, or stupidity but sooner or later we all have abused, or at the very least not prioritized, our fragile relationship with mortality.
slik lixx
slik lixx
The WTF website categories have a common thread of important effectiveness in disciplines that literally can change and save lives. Despite the serious military grade quality and cutting edge status, our chemistry and tech can also be used for those things that are maybe considered to be a little less important and associated with more fun leisure time activities. These might include hobbies or forms of self expression in the arts like music and painting and sculpture.
wtf moment
wtf moment
This WTF MOMENT section is an interactive blog for you to share your own WTF Moment as well as your ideas to fix the problem. This site may seem to get silly at times, with its metaphors and analogies, but they all are relevant in their purpose to better illustrate a serious message to a more diverse audience.