
"The greatest wealth is health." - Virgil

about health

Like they say, “There’s nothing more important than your health” and, they also say, “You don’t appreciate your health until it’s gone”. I guess it’s just human nature, laziness, or ignorance, but sooner or later we all have abused, or at the very least not prioritized, our fragile relationship with mortality.  I had no idea that my life’s journey, including personal experiences and a degree in science, would culminate with this website which I could finally and effectively help the most people who are passionate for “real alternative solutions” for at least some of life’s problems.

I grew up being the only caregiver to my ill mother for forty years which definitely gave me a unique perspective on self-responsibility regarding one’s physical, mental and spiritual health. This also forced me to grow up fast to be “on call” and explore alternative ways to restore my  mother’s health when prescriptions either didn’t work or made her worse.

I saw first hand how some Big Pharma side effects almost killed her twice and many doctors refused to even treat her if she asked about better nutrition ideas or admitted she took vitamin supplements, both of which are still not taught in most medical schools.  Even though this occurred mostly during the 1980’s and 90’s much of the health industry is still antiquated. The food pyramid didn’t change until 2005 and again in 2011 after decades of flawed guidance on basic nutrition.

The “Big Pharma” negative experience depleted my yearnings to become a doctor, but I became more driven to learn and use natural holistic alternatives that actually worked. That being said, I am also well aware that only prescription pharmaceuticals, vaccines and surgery will save your life in many situations, however it is often possible to prevent “dis-ease” in the first place with better nutrition, exercise, supplements and alternative medicinal therapies. Until lately, bucking the Pharma system took overwhelming time, money and courage to make any progress. Today it is great to see that the tide has turned and more doctors and patients are more curious, aware, and educated about alternative health solutions. This is greatly attributed to the internet making more information readily available to the general public and the fact that every other commercial is about pharmaceutical side effect lawsuits.

Choosing the best health methodologies will still require prioritizing yourself first then taking responsibility for verifying the information you use to make an informed decision.. Like the flight attendants say, “put your oxygen mask on first then help…”. Prioritizing yourself first is not selfish, it is the only way to effectively help yourself and others.

I would love to talk about all of the alternative technologies and chemistries I have seen work to restore health, but I am choosing to contribute by presenting just a few personally tested and verified health alternatives that are relatively unknown and not corporate owned or sponsored.

This Health Section is here to educate and make you aware of inexpensive “out of the corporate box” products that benefitted me and others directly. As usual, we supply all of the legitimate research data, tests and studies so you can make an informed decision yourself. Never make a decision based only on the blind trust of others without verification first, so read the research and trust yourself.

Even though these products have been effective for me and my friends, we legally cannot make any claims that these products will perform the same for others.
Nevertheless, I can make these advanced and safer products readily available for you to try for yourself, which your typical nutrition stores and pharmacies can’t.

These products are also considered to be “disruptive chemistry and technology”, which means that they can disrupt business as usual which in turn upsets corporations.

Technically, our products are not competing with the known products of corporate giants because we are not simply a better version of the same technology and chemistry. It’s not an apples to apples comparison. Instead, we’re offering information about very unique chemistry that the “corporate giants” are not aware exists or DON’T CARE exists. More importantly, our products have benefits and features that the known brands do not address because their current technology either does not or can not perform at the same higher level ours does..

A perfect example of this is alcohol-based hand sanitizers that nearly every company put their name on to capitalize on during the pandemic panic. The facts are that alcohol-based products, like Lysol and many others, have killed germs for us for decades even in my house growing up. Alcohol, iodine, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide-based chemicals kill most germs quickly but offer no real residual protection and are actually toxic to us with extended or increased exposure as occurred during the pandemic.

about Alcohol & Coconut


Alcohol wipes, specifically, have been a trusted quick and local disinfectant for decades saving many lives by reducing infection by sterilization topically on humans and equipment. That is why doctors and nurses still disinfect any area they puncture or compromise involving the epidermis skin with needles, scalpels etc.

Alcohol, however, does have limitations as a hand sanitizer in that it is only a quick kill of germs while it is wet. A fact I am sure you probably have never heard is that after using alcohol hand sanitizers it only protects your hands from germs like the Corona virus for TWO MINUTES -“WTF”. There is absolutely no long-term “residual protection” with alcohol hand sanitizers. That means constant reapplication (about 30 times every hour) is necessary to have continual protection. This ridiculous, constant reapplication is time consuming, expensive, not at all realistic and would cause painful tissue damage or worse.

During the pandemic everyone was carrying the equivalent of “lighter fluid” on them all day, which did ignite on some who got a little too close to open flames. Remember how everyone on an airplane was allowed to bring a three-ounce bottle of alcohol hand sanitizer on the plane. No one ever stopped to realize that every plane during the pandemic had the equivalent of 5 gallons (3oz x 200 passengers) of extremely flammable alcohol on board every flight. That is the real equivalent of trying to bring a five-gallon bucket of gasoline in your carry on.

Alcohol also completely kills even the good bacteria that we need present on, and in, our bodies at all times. Another disadvantage of alcohol disinfectants is for those who have skin ailments like psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, shingles, burns, abrasions or any other of the painful common skin conditions. We all know from experience that alcohol is extremely painful when applied to any of these types of skin problems where the skin is not intact. It is a fact that alcohol, as well as hydrogen peroxide, can cause tissue damage and slow the healing process on open type wounds and conditions like these.

Maybe those big hand sanitizer company executives did not tell you all of this information because they just did not know the truth. Perhaps, but their chemist definitely should have known. Either way, it’s definite that they would not want you to know about a better solution because they already are known for their particular brand and chemistry with billions invested. Some big corporations, like ships, are just too big and slow to change course even with the iceberg dead ahead. That is why things usually stay the same “status quo”until they absolutely have to change either from lawsuits, negative social media, and or new government regulations.

During the pandemic manufacturers could not keep hand sanitizer in stock and there were global shortages where it became a bootleg product during the pandemic panic. Thus, to meet demand during Covid, lower quality alcohol types where used by some unscrupulous companies from China, which did enter the bloodstream of uninformed people causing blindness and even worse outcomes. Also accidental ingestion of any alcohol hand sanitizer could be deadly as well, especially to children.

Remember when you felt so lucky to spend any amount of money to find and buy a bulk amount of hand sanitizer to protect your family for what you thought would be way more than two awesome minutes?
There should be an “lol” here but the reality is not so funny because millions falsely assumed their hands were protected from being contaminated and transmitting the virus to yourselves and your loved ones. The rest is history as they say.

Before you blame yourself for infecting anyone from contaminated hands, remember that the virus was also transported by breathing in aerosolized particles which could have been transported by attaching to any surface, such as your clothes and hair, not just hands. A viral pandemic is always about the sheer numbers and continual exposure to millions of viruses from many forms of transference, so no single product or procedure would have likely stopped it as did multiple solutions eventually did over time. However, in normal times as well as viral pandemics, Having clean hands for six hours rather than two minutes will definitely make a difference against the common cold, flu, skin infections and diseases discussed earlier.

Well, regarding alcohol hand sanitizers, this topic probably provided you a few “WTF” moments amongst the many this website promises to reveal. Now, as also promised, here is the info to fix, solve and remedy the issue of obsolete alcohol hand sanitizers only lasting two minutes, plus all of the other negatives.


Coconut, that’s right, “Mother Nature’s penicillin on a palm tree.” Before you write off “WTF” as “BS”, just know that I have 20 years of real research data available on this site to prove everything you are about to learn is factual science and not a hopeful theory.

Technically, it is not the coconut itself but two of the chemicals found in coconut called Lauric acid and glycerol which together are called Cocolaurin. I know some of you might have heard that coconut oil has antiviral ability, which is technically true, but it’s actual quantifiable effectiveness is too minimal to be beneficial. Yes, the active, tested and proven chemical compound Lauric acid is in coconut oil but the amount and purity percentage is so small it will have no real benefit. In order to get the very real and tested antiviral effectiveness, you must have about 95% pure concentrated Lauric acid extracted and separated from the oils, fats, water and other organics of the coconut. We have the exclusive rights and technology to extract up to 95% pure Lauric acid and Glycerol compound into an easily dissolvable granular powder called Cocolaurin. The powder can be put in capsules and taken orally (I have taken them for 5 years) to increase absorption of nutrients as in vitamins, about 40% and higher in humans and animals, as well as having proven antiviral and antibiotic properties internally.

Cocolaurin is also added to water and made into creams for topical use. This creme is also used safely on open wounds, as well as in all your orifices like nose, mouth, rectal, vaginal, ears etc. Do NOT use in EYES, may burn. It has been used to stop bacterial growth in dog treats and human food and medicine such as pills as a preservative for years. It is also safe for pets topically and orally. They actually like the flavor. When used topically, or as a hand sanitizer, it last 6 hours (not two minutes) from one application and is proven to kill corona virus as well as all other viruses.

Remember there are no good viruses, unlike bacteria, which many are beneficial to us. This amazing compound of Lauric acid and Glycerol called “Cocolaurin” is also classified as “Bioselective. “Bioselective” simply means it selectively kills the bad or toxic bacteria and not the good bacteria our bodies need. Therefore, you will not get side effects like Thrush and or Yeast infections which antibiotics cause from killing the good bacteria as well as the bad. Cocolaurin is shown to heal wounds faster, prevent infection even on brown recluse spider bites and doesn’t burn or sting on dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis or any open sores, lacerations, abrasions. I have also seen it reverse pre-gum disease by brushing teeth and gums with it. This resulted in making a mint flavored gum detoxifier paste.

You are probably asking yourself – “if it’s so great and it’s been around for decades then why isn’t it on every shelf in every store?” I used to ask myself the same exact thing about so many chemistries and technologies, until I learned the sad truth about how big business really works. For me, this knowledge could only be trusted as true from my personal experiences doing business. I have a difficult time always blindly accepting what some colleges and other learning institutions “teach” or “don’t teach” because most are usually directly or indirectly funded by the big corporations.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics owns stock in ultra-processed food companies and has received millions in contributions from producers of soda, candy and processed foods linked to diabetes, heart disease, obesity and other health problems. “ It’s incredibly influential so if the Academy is corrupt then nutritional policy in the US is going to be corrupt”- Gary Ruskin executive director of US Right To Know. I have personally spoken with certified dietitians who refuse to say anything negative about high-fructose corn syrup or MSG because they won’t bite the hands that feed them financially.-WTF

The other reasons why sometimes the best products for you are not easily found on shelves are: Not enough profit margins and keeping the “status quo” in place to keep share holders happy. Changing anything in big corporations in general cost billions in the form of R&D, testing, meetings and re-branding. Most real innovation happens from small, unknown, low overhead companies that have popularized the literal saying, “started the business in my garage or basement”. Smaller businesses like ours can quickly and more affordably explore alternative ideas and concepts and make them into real tangible products you can actually obtain and benefit from now.

Even worse than suppressing information and product advancements, is when a company makes a profit from a item they knowingly causes harm and still will not stop production. A perfect example is a weed killer that is still a “round” and is advertised on commercials, even though there’s just as many commercials talking about the over ten billion dollars paid out for lymphoma cancer lawsuits attributed to using the stuff. Some companies will do the accounting for lawsuits vs sales/profit and if there is still a profit, they will keep selling poison. What is even more astounding is that the public still ignorantly buys it and dies from it or permanently ruins their immune system from all the Chemo needed just to barely survive as happened with my cousin. -“WTF”.

I might attract a few adversarial comments by having a website that presents multiple disruptive alternative technologies, because “kicking the sleeping corporate giants” could make them angry when they finally wake up. Ironically, it is not unlike the story of another David who was small and relatively unknown but took on a giant with a simple but “out of the box” solution using some laws of physics instead of the much better known steel sword.

I will stay the course because the purpose of WTF is not to bring down corporate giants but to help “Slingshot” all of us in a different, alternative and better direction to triumphantly win against the formidable giant issues we all will have to face personally and collectively.

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