slik lixx
Having fun is not a diversion from a successful life; it is the pathway to it. Martha N. Beck
about slik lixx
The Worldwide Technology Foundation (WTF) website categories have a common thread of important effectiveness in disciplines that can change and save lives. Despite the military grade quality and cutting-edge status, our chemistry and technology can also be used for those things considered to be less serious, and associated with more fun, leisure time activities. These might include hobbies, or forms of self-expression in the arts, like music, painting and sculpture. These would also include activities like; sports, surfing, fishing, biking, camping and gardening. If you are 40 or older, you probably heard the saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Well, I am not sure who Jack was but the point is to do whatever makes you “want to play” and have fun so you are not a dull boy or girl.
This Slik Lixx section will present specific Nanoceramic and graphene hybrid formulations called NCP (NanoCeraphene) coatings for enhancing, protecting and improving all your toys, and weekend warrior “stuff” that brings you joy. Furthermore, the interesting commonality is that most of these applications were discovered by accident, as a result of curiosity. This also illustrates how easy it is to discover endless collateral uses, applications and markets that usually have to do with fun and leisure activities and their related gear, tools, instruments, and crafts.
We call this section Slik Lixx, which is an example of one of those unintentional collateral discoveries. The Slik Lixx name refers to slick guitar strings that are easier to slide your fingers on, and Lixx refers to musical “licks” which are an improvisation of a short series of notes played so that they sound a little different from the original. So, if music or, more precisely, playing the guitar is your talent and/or passion, then our Slik Lixx coating will make your six-string strumming quicker, easier and safer. Our Slik Lixx ceramic coating creates a long lasting, “slick” nontoxic barrier between your fingers and the strings preventing exposure to the various toxins in guitar strings like lead, nickel and factory applied PFAS lubricants.
Like so many times before, we never know what other crazy collateral uses there are for my NCP coatings until someone asks, “will it work on this”. Our answer is always, “we don’t know but let’s see”. A master guitarist musician asked if my coating would work on his guitar strings, since he was not really impressed with the effectiveness of the 5 guitar string lubricant products currently on the market. He had tried them all but said they are all made of oil so they do not last, and they make the strings sticky.
After a few months of testing our NCP coating on the strings, it was obvious that our chemistry lasts much longer, is never sticky, and reduces friction and oxidation on the strings better than all the other oil and PFAS based lubricants could. Just like that, our chemistry instantly entered an entirely new market, easily out performing all the competition. This snowballed into coating the neck and frets, as well, so your hand slides effortlessly on the guitar or bass. This also led to benefitting wind instruments by completely stopping the brass from ever tarnishing. And so on…
An avid fly fisherman told me that he wished there was a way not to disturb and rip the water so much when fly fishing. Apparently, the back-and-forth movement of the rod in fly fishing in order to move the lure also causes the fishing line to grab and disturb the water, which scares the fish. Water wants to stick to monofilament fishing lines, so it grabs and rips the water when the rod is pulled back. Who knew? After wiping one of my coatings on the fishing line, it made it completely hydrophobic. This means the fishing line no longer grabs or disturbs the water so it moves quietly through its whipping motion. Another unexpected benefit was that the fishing line reeled back in completely dry. This also snowballed even further to coating the rod, reel and the lures themselves, which made them move in a way that was more attractive to the fish. This prevented any metal parts, like the hook, from rusting so it stays sharp.
These enhancement examples in this Slik Lixx section may not be as life-altering or life-saving as in other sections of the website. Nevertheless, if you are a musician, fly fisherman or any of the other enthusiasts that took their passion to the next level from our chemistry, it is still a definite “WTF moment.”
No doubt you could come up with your own unique uses for our chemistry to fix, enhance and protect endless products that you use every day. Perhaps this could lead you to your own “WTF moment” as well as an enhanced career and income by discovering an entirely new application and market for our NCP Chemistry.
We welcome working with anyone who shares our same “think out of the box” passion, so email us or blog an idea that you want to explore. It could lead to a possible joint venture with us.