water generation

"water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. there is no life without water."-albert szent-gyorgyi, m.d.discoverer of vitamin c

about water generation

“Water water everywhere and not a drop to drink” …. because it’s poisonous from PFAS.
Poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge included that quote in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner he wrote in 1798, but I updated it a little for 2024.

Its original meaning was referring to being stuck at sea surrounded by salt water that could not benefit you because it would be poisonous to drink. Similarly, the fresh water we have been using for decades for drinking and agriculture is even more poisonous to you. This time it is not just too much sea salt but thousands of toxic man-made chemicals collectively called PFAS leaching into nearly all our ground water. If you have not yet seen or heard the acronym PFAS maybe you need to cut back on the super hero and celebrity YouTube videos and catch up on some current events, like they say. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Hulk, Iron Man and the rest of those superheroes I grew up with in comic book form only to enjoy them again on the big screen today. Those superheroes where so colorful to me both imaginatively and literally, I directly borrowed their color schemes as well as their comic book art style on all my “WTF” logos and shirt designs.

If you also a superhero geek like me, you might have recognized the familiar color schemes used on most of our shirt logo designs. The Agriculture logo colors are green and purple like the Hulk, the Power Generation logo uses red and yellow like Iron Man, NanoJetTech is Captain America, Fire Prevention is the human torch of the Fantastic Four and even Silver Surfer influenced the Antimicrobial and Ceramic logos. This subliminal familiarity of color composition is another way I chose to try and make the WTF website and its information more relatable and engaging to a larger audience plus I just like it. I admit that even I have a hard time trying to stay on and learn from some of these informative, but very boring websites that just put you to sleep or make you check out but check in to YouTube and Tik Tok. So your still here for “whatever” reason and thats 90% of the battle to stay engaged for just a few more minutes to learn something that most definitely could save your life one day.

Unfortunately, no superhero, not even Tony Stark or Dr Strange’s elemental magic powers, can protect us from the PFAS in our ground water. To better put the real seriousness of PFAS into perspective, it would be the equivalent of a Hollywood world ending super villain like Thanos.

About PFAS

PFAS is an umbrella acronym term for a family of synthetic man-made chemicals that were first created around the 1940’s for military weapon application. Then PFAS infiltrated into every household by way of the Teflon non-stick pan industry and Scotchguard. Now there are more than ten thousand types of PFAS derivative type chemicals like PFOA, PFOS etc. in millions of products we use every day. These would include makeup, textiles, food packaging/containers, semiconductors, fire suppression foams, soap, paper, dental floss and so much more.

PFAS actually stands for per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances also known as “Forever Chemicals” because the carbon/flourine bonds they have are nearly indestructible and impossible to destroy which is worse than Thanos. Just when you thought pesticides and plastic were bad enough, now they are even more toxic because PFAS is in pesticides and Flourinated plastics.

Originally, PFAS contamination was localized to the areas around military bases like Camp LeJeune and chemical manufacturing plants like 3M and Dupont. Now after decades of possibly intentional deceit from these chemical companies, as well as unintentional ignorance and oversight from the EPA and FDA, PFAS is found even in the most remote parts of the world. This includes PFAS in the blood of over 600 animal species like Polar bears in Antarctica, Pandas in China, horses, tigers, whales, cod, salmon, tuna as well as ALL fish in nearly every U.S. stream and river. The levels of PFAS is estimated to be so lethally high on most farms in many areas here in the U.S. that they would have to kill and burn all of the livestock and shutdown all growing of any crops forever like the government is just starting to do on just a select few. This is were we get our food from so they cant shut down these toxic farms because there would be no food. The entire farming and cattle industry as we know it is coming to an end which will be difficult at first but absolutely necessary if we want food to be food again and not literal poison. Thankfully new greener and cleaner farming practices are being put into place as we speak so that the next generations will benefit and thrive better than what we are dealing with.

The evidence is showing that PFAS chemicals and pesticides have directly and indirectly caused Americans to now have the highest incidence (1 out of 2 and growing) of cancer ever recorded in history. For those who live near and work for these chemical companies the odds are much worse, hence all the class action lawsuits as portrayed in movies like Dark Water and Erin Brockovich and many YouTube documentaries. Camp Lejeune lawsuits are still active from having PFAS levels of 25,000 ppt of PFOA and 172,748 ppt of PFOA in water and surrounding area.

The origins of PFAS contaminating our land and water are many but most come from industrial waste being dumped into or near our rivers, lakes, wells and other sources of ground water for decades. The chemicals travel naturally from underground connected water sources and floods etc. And if that’s not bad enough, now nearly all rainwater has PFAS as well. The PFAS gets even distributed much farther by many “unnatural” processes like water treatment sewage plants that unknowingly collect PFAS contaminated waste water then sell and even giveaway the biosolids end product to farmers all over the country.

Farmers, also, unknowingly fertilized their farms for growing crops for sale and livestock feed. Now hundreds, if not thousands, of farms across America have PFAS contaminated water, soil, crops and livestock. This includes pigs, chickens and cows where the beef and milk have dangerous levels of PFAS for you to consume. The scary thing is that the majority of these contaminated farms are not being tested, closed or stopped from selling their crops, meat and milk because it would result in a major food shortage in the U.S.

In the 1990’s EPA established that 1.05 ppb (parts per billion) was the max level to be considered safe. Now 99.7% of Americans have PFAS in their blood. The most terrible fact is that PFAS “Bioaccumulates” up the food chain. Therefore, PFAS very quickly accumulates continuously in our tissues because humans are the top apex predators that consume all types of PFAS contaminated meats, vegetables and water.

Random blood tests show Americans in states with known companies that make or use PFAS in their products have MINIMUM levels that are now 30 times higher than what WAS considered safe. In the worst cases people in these areas have hundreds to thousands of times higher PFAS levels and are dying from it. In 2016 the EPA decided 70 ppt (was parts per billion, now trillion) was the new safe level then changed it in 2023 to 4 ppt as the safe level. What is really scary is that these numbers are just the tip of the iceberg because we do not know the true scope of PFAS contamination because there is no current federal mandate for testing drinking water or food or soil yet. It is all just in the beginning stages with promises to have PFAS regulations coming soon for all states but most likely will take years to happen.

PFAS accumulates in all living things, as well as soil and water continuously, and has been doing so for decades. The common denominator here is that we eventually eat or drink all of that poison in one form or another at least three times a day 364 days a year for decades our whole lives. You may be thinking how this doesn’t concern you at all because you ate only organic produce and grass-fed and free range or Kosher blah blah blah. Sorry, but none of those labels matter because they do not require testing for PFAS. Firstly, “organic produce” does not mean it is pesticide free, in fact most- if not all- are permitted to use organic pesticides (insecticides and herbicides) that are approved by the USDA, but they still kill insects and weeds with poison. Secondly, those green pastures where the buffalo roam are watered by wells, lakes, reservoir ponds and even rain all of which contain PFAS. Nearly all of the farming industry does not know that they need to test their water sources for poison PFAS contamination. Their only concern with water was quantity, never quality, and there still is not a mandatory, unanimous, consistent testing required for the farming industry or any industry yet.
Remember when your Mom told you to eat all your spinach to be strong like Popeye, well he most likely died from cancer that was not caused from his pipe.

Unfortunately, this is all real science data and facts from our top AG scientist rather than conspiracy theorist or politicians. I know this to all be true and accurate because I personally researched the data, most of which is accessible on line now. More importantly, I have a very unique perspective and insight on what real changes in chemistry and technology are being brought into reality to solve the PFAS water and food problem.

I am currently working with a government research grant to develop a new A.I. farming system for analyzing and producing hyper-clean water for drinking and agriculture. My team and I are working to create the new and highest standards for hyper-clean PFAS free water production and commercial farming processes and it all starts and ends with hyper-clean safe water. This agricultural and home atmospheric water generator (AWG) is available now to purchase and the automated water analysis system will be available for sales within this year.

I know this Water Generation section has had so many “WTF” moments and you might have felt the facts were negative, but remember, facts and data are neither positive or negative, they just are. Only your feelings and opinions about what the data and facts could manifest are negative or positive. This is not a bunch of double talk BS because it is so important to distinguish that you can’t change facts but you can change your feelings about them. Even more importantly, you can definitely still change the possible future outcomes and circumstances from being negative. Yes, I realize for many it is too late, but for most of us we still have time to change and survive this by using the facts to help formulate a strategy and motivate us to take action.

Here's How!


First, do some homework and google and YouTube everything about PFAS. This will help you be aware of precautions and changes you can make with day to day living to minimize your exposure to PFAS products, environments, food and water. This will vary greatly depending where and how you live.


Second, make yourself heard with your congressman and mayor and also make yourself count with who you pick for the next president. Spread this information to your friends, relatives and whatever clubs you belong to or social media you use. Knowledge is Power but only if you have the masses to utilize it.


Third, get your bloodwork tested for PFAS levels to determine your personal health risk situation but, also, if everyone does this it will help expose and locate areas of high and low contamination in the area you live. This will greatly help pinpoint areas to investigate who, what and where the source of contamination originated so it can be stopped. Mandatory testing will be here eventually but in the meantime you can make a difference now for your family and community.


Fourth, your PFAS blood test levels will often directly correlate to your PFAS levels in your water supply so you will know to make the necessary improvements to your water quality.
Depending on your PFAS levels in your environment and water, there are many ways to reduce or completely eliminate PFAS from your water.

Currently 40% of bottled water brands have PFAS and 45% of the tap water in the United States is contaminated with PFAS “Forever Chemicals” according to government testing in 2016 to 2021. Wells and springs have the greatest risk of being the most contaminated, with the highest percentages based on their proximity to factories that make or use PFAS; water treatment plants, military bases, farms etc.

The best scenario is that your city or well water is at safe PFAS levels. In this case you could just want to ensure the water you are drinking is not “low levels” but “No levels” of PFAS. Remember, even low levels will accumulate in your body over time so ZERO PFAS is best.
Here are three solutions to accomplish this:

Just buy bottled water for drinking and cooking but preferably not in plastic bottles or containers. Check on line for the PFAS levels first of whatever company is best. If you have a contaminated ground water supply used for all your home’s water needs I.e. washing and drinking, then obviously buying bottled water for drinking is not enough. Bathing in PFAS water only allows for minimal absorption through skin, However, if you have compromised skin with cuts, punctures, abrasions, even bleeding gums or anywhere the epidermis is compromised then PFAS can more easily enter your bloodstream in larger amounts.

) Reverse osmosis systems have been around for decades and some specialized RO systems could possibly filter out PFAS chemicals but there are many negatives to this old technology. Firstly, the World Health Organization has evaluated RO systems and concluded that one in three are ineffective to even toxic. They definitely are wasteful in that, on average, to make one gallon of purified water it has to also make one to two gallons of toxic waste water which is not a sustainable system. More importantly, this waste water contains concentrated amounts of all the poisons you just removed and then just puts it back into either the ground directly or indirectly by way of water treatment plants then to farmers as discussed earlier. The filters in RO machines have zero tolerance in that if you do not change the filter exactly on time it will start to back flush all those concentrated chemicals into the system and contaminate the “good” water that you will be drinking. Obviously, some RO systems are better than others so do your research but, ultimately, they are only as safe as the competence of the person monitoring them. There are other water softener filtration systems with better specialized filters but what is currently on the market was never designed to specifically remove PFAS. Ultimately, all water that comes from the ground or rain water capture has the potential to be contaminated with PFAS.

There really is only one source of water that can GUARANTEE that it is PFAS free. This would be water made from our atmospheric water generators (AWG) mentioned earlier. It says what it does and does what it says by generating liquid water and condensing aerosolized water in the atmosphere. In other words, it makes liquid water from the air. Fortunately, high levels of PFAS are not common in air or dust unless it is in or near the high-risk areas like PFAS manufacturing or PFAS using factories, chrome platers, landfills, wastewater treatment plants, landfills, military bases, farms etc. The common household would have very little in the air, if any at all. Moreover, inhalation in the lungs is not considered an efficient or easily accumulating way for PFAS to enter your body compared to eating and drinking. Nevertheless, it would be comforting to remove it out of the air as well. Thus far, there is only one system that can make PFAS free water and remove it from the air at the same time. This would be our atmospheric water generators (AWG).

Notice I said “our AWG” and not just any (AWG). The difference is, like nearly everything represented on the “WTF” website, it has been developed by, and or, for the military. This is what “MILITARY GRADE” means in that the standards and materials and components and engineering has to be better because it has to work on the frontlines where soldier’s lives are at risk. There are other AWG companies but they all cater mostly to civilian markets so they do not have to be that durable or reliable. Our “WTF” AWGs are actually all made by Marines in North Carolina rather than “who knows who” in China or other parts of the world that don’t always have our best interest in mind.

Our AWGs have many special and unique features that could have only evolved rapidly into our exclusive advanced engineering by being constantly tested in the toughest and most dangerous proving grounds. These were real “trial by fire” conditions in military vehicles, ships, aircraft and bases on the frontlines and under fire. Some of these patented features we can discuss in the AWG details section, but others are military secrets. This not only keeps us technologically ahead of our competition but, much more importantly, our military adversaries around the world.

These military grade and made AWGs are not just affordable, but literally pay for themselves in a few years. The accounting facts of what the average “bottled water buying” household spends annually proves this to be true. More importantly, you’re now providing your family the cleanest PFAS free water in the world while also cleaning the air in your home and using the same power as your coffee maker.

It is now estimated that all of us ingest a credit card amount of plastic every month from drinking plastic bottled water. This was not a big deal until recently when studies found that plastic in our bloodstream actually causes several serious health issues.
These AWGs are also very “GREEN” because they use little power, and do not produce tons of empty plastic bottle waste in landfills.
AWGs also save fossil fuels by ending your having to drive to buy water. They also reduce and save electricity because AWGs cause all air conditioning systems to work more efficiently by reducing humidity in the home resulting in less running time and power usage to achieve and maintain desired temperatures.

In the “WTF” Health section I mentioned my involvement developing an agricultural water analysis system to save our farming industry and ourselves by stopping the continued use of toxic water for growing produce and livestock. These AWGs make it possible for this system to set new and higher standards for making PFAS free food a reality for the near future.

You can, however, start protecting your family now with providing AWG hyper-clean water in your home and business. We have larger model AWGs for supplying military bases clean water in the most remote and dangerous areas. We also designed a smaller unit for the average household which can make about 10 gallons every day, plus remove toxins from the air in your home.

Your home and community may not be under enemy attack like our military, but Americans and their health are being threatened -and sometimes worse- by an invisible enemy we all will need to eliminate sooner rather than later before it eliminates us and our future.

our products coming soon